There is freedom in exposure and power in written word.
I have found that documenting the seemingly mundane occurrences of ordinary days mystically unlocks the riches buried within them. Our lives are masterpieces, mosaics; Divinely composed of single moments- some dark and ominous, others bright and sparkling with promise- each working together to bring about a unique and extraordinary design. We are fashioned with purpose as unique expressions of God to our world. This is my attempt to illuminate and celebrate the various shades of the mosaic of my life.

Monday, May 10, 2010


The longer I am a mother, the more aware I become of the sacrifice and depth of love and devotion required to nurture and sustain the life of a child. I am in awe of the juggling act women proficiently master (of which I am still an amateur)- feeding, bathing, clothing, changing, washing, cleaning, consoling, playing, singing, shopping, teaching, planning, praying- the list could go on and on. And this times 2 or 3 or 4 (or MORE for some)!

I have become a keen observer of women with children. I study their touch, their tone, their way with those God has entrusted to them. I take note of the gentle and creative manner in which some usher their kids into an understanding of the intricacies of life, and purpose in my heart to do the same.

Of all the titles and positions I’ve held and aspired to, I am most proud and fulfilled by the role of “Mother.” The weightiness of this high call rests heavy on my heart. I am daily reminded of my inadequacy. I am riddled with weakness, but I am so thankful that the strength and wisdom of God supplements my lack in Christ. He is my help and sustenance, my counselor and guide . . . In Him I am entirely equipped to nurture and cultivate the sons and daughters he entrusts to me (both in the natural and in the faith).

As I reflect on this role and all its implications, I am overwhelmed with remembrance of my childhood and of the one through whom my life was given- the love she demonstrated, her humility and sacrifice, her tenderness and commitment to the cultivation of the depths of my potential in God.

She was the first to love and dream over me. She was the one who woke in the night to console and comfort me, the one who bathed and blanketed me, who warded off my hunger and protected me from harm. She is the one who ran to my aid and dried my tears, the one who whispered the purposes of God over me and awakened my spirit to the realities of the Kingdom.

How blessed I am to share the blood of one who so genuinely craves and adores the Lord. Peace and power have immeasurably entered my life through the doorway of her faithfulness and intercession.

Thank you, Mom, for every sacrifice you made to give me life and for teaching me to be a mother!

"Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
Proverbs 31: 28-30


  1. Well said!
    I am constantly humbled in my walk as a mother and am on my knees crying out to the Lord, more patience, Less of ME and more of HIM...God is so gentle though to "Lead those that have young..." and I couldn;t impart into my children without His Spirit guiding me.
    ITs amazing how much we understand the depth of our mother's sacrifices/love once we become mothers ourselves! soo true what you said!
    So happy to have mothers to connect with that have like-mindedness and Vision in our HIGHEST CALLING of MOTHERHOOD! We are truly raising up the Next GEneration ...and someday all our hard work will be echoed into eternity, and passed on through the next is sure humbling...

  2. I'm so blessed to be able to witness you as you flourish in your role as mother. I can't express how grateful I am that you are the one nurturing our children! I can't imagine a more perfect representation of "mother" than you!
